Chicago Electronic Rock - Listen Spotify Playlists
Chicago Electronic Rock

  •  Alterik Finn

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When it comes to music genre that involves a combination of rock music and electronic music, Mac Glass is the guy you should pay close attention to. Born in Chicago Illinois, Mac has been writing and performing music most of his life but recently decided to share his work with the world. Specializing in instrumental music he willfully disregards the boundaries between musical styles and genres.

Mac has already released six singles this year and fans are taking to them. Some say his music at times reminds them of Peter Gabriel’s early solo work, which is an excellent compliment.

One of Mac’s recent popular releases “Pursuit of the Mountain King” is streaming on all major platform, as well as soundcloud. The song is an excellent example of the producer’s signature vibe, and the track opens with a pulsating synthwave bass!

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